Saturday, March 7, 2009

Chapter 4.

Chapter 4 is my first finished video game. Created for the Poppenkast Game Noir Competition, I intended it as a reaction against two things: 1 - the idea that a piece of art had to be dark, brooding, and dishwater grey to be "noir", and 2 - the annoying trend in video game dialogue where the game responds in loyal accordance to the player's intentions (like Fallout 3).
Chapter 4 is rough around the edges and quite confusing, but I'm happy with it.

Check it out at

HINT: there are two endings.


  1. Hey man! Nice meeting you at GDC. I finally got around to trying out the CD you gave me, and realized who you were.

    Lovely graphics. I think I wrote some feedback at poppenkast so I won't repeat it.

    Keep it up!

  2. Ah, wrong account...

